Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Garlic - Wonder Drug among all herbs

Botanical Name : Allium sativum (LINN.)

Family : N.O. Liliaceae

The Common Garlic a member of the same group of plants as the Onion, is of such ancientness as a cultivated plant, that it is difficult with any certainty to trace the country of its origin.

Garlic is a potent antioxidant that has been found to inhibit tumor cell formation and is currently being studied by the National Cancer Institute. It may be effective in fighting stomach, skin and colon cancer.

Though it is best know as a culinary herb and vampire retardant, the medicinal benefits and claims for garlic have awarded it the name "Wonder Drug among all herbs". Although Garlic directly attacks bacteria and viruses, it also stimulates the body's natural defenses against foreign invaders. Garlic is reported to be more effective than penicillin against typhus disease, and works well against strep, staph bacteria, and the organisms responsible for cholera, dysentery and enteritis.

Garlic has great value as a long-term dietary supplement, helping to maintain healthy circulation, balance blood sugar and pressure, reduce fat levels in the blood, and improve resistance to infection. It can be taken with conventional antibiotics to support their action and ward off side effects.

Garlic has also been used in treating upper respiratory infections, late-onset diabetes, urinary infections, acne, asthma, sinusitis, arthritis, and ulcers.

Garlic is said to be used for

  • Lowering cholesterol levels
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Cancer prevention
  • Treating infection
  • Enhancing immune function
  • Antioxidant effects
 Garlic can assist in:
  • Coughs, colds and other infections of the lungs and throat
  • Reducing and expelling catarrh
  • Asthma
  • Fevers (can induce sweating);
  • Healing of wounds, boils, sores etc (applied externally and taken  internally). Garlic can be valuable for infected wounds and used as a preventative against infection
  • Fungal infections, athlete's foot for example
  • Ear & Sinus infections;

Some of the most popular traditional uses of garlic have been for colds, flu and other infections, earaches, vaginal yeast infections, and high blood pressure. Modern research has focused on four main areas: heart disease, cancer, infectious disease, and antioxidant effects.

In addition to its culinary uses, garlic has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. Garlic is used raw, dried, or processed into pills or tablets. Since garlic flavor is strong, garlic supplements may help avoid garlic breath.

Be aware that in rare instances, there may be gastrointestinal symptoms, changes to the flora of the intestine, or allergic reactions on using garlic. 

Disclaimer : Article is only intended to uncover the medical properties of the herb. Please consult your doctor before using.

1 comment:

GardenBloggers.Com said...

I've always wanted to grow garlic even though I don't eat it often it just seems like a plant that should be grown by every gardener.